Friday, February 28, 2020

Book Notes: Tramp for the Lord-Corrie TenBoom

100- Tramp for the Lord
Corrie Ten Boome

The life of a Christian is an education for higher service.

Faith is like radar which sees through the fog--the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see.

My life is but a weaving, between my God and me,
I do not count the colors, he worketh steadily
Oftimes he weaveth sorrow and I in foolish pride forget He sees the upper and i the underside.
Not took the look is silent and shuttles cease to fly will God until the canvas and explain the reason why.
The dark threads are as needful in the skillful Weavers hand, as the threads of God and silver in the pattern he had planned.

(Purpose of book: "pray the Holy Spirit will reveal something of the divine pattern in God's plan for you also.")

Singing was one of the ways we kept up our courage.

When you come near death God's presence is even more real. It is here that Jesus comes closest taking our hand and leading us through.

For more than a year I had not been allowed to make a decision. All I could do was follow orders. It was difficult even to think.

I was starved for color.

Only to those who have been in prison does freedom have such great meaning.
I knew my life had been given back for a purpose. I was no longer my own.
The material things of this world no longer excited me --nor would they ever again.

We grew up knowing only a God who enjoyed our presence as we skipped and ran and played through his church built for his glory.

I soon discovered that man's importunity is God's opportunity. He uses our problems as building materials for his miracles. This was the first step in my path towards trusting him.

(As waited in line for approval of papers) "lord I am willing To go or stay. It is up to you."
It is not our task to give God instructions. We are simply to report for duty .

"Corrie, there is so much bitterness. We must tell them that the holy spirit will fill their hearts with love." -betsie (sister)
Only God could see in such circumstances the possibility for ministry in the future. (On going back to Germany to help)

Gods guidance is even more important than common sense.

Psalms 47:11
The lord taketh those that hope in his mercy.

"God does not fill with the holy spirit those who believe in the files of the spirit, or those who desire him, but those who obey him." -FB Meyer

...sometimes it helps just to have someone willing to listen

That which is in your heart can never be taken from you.

The only way to get rid of [bitterness] is to surrender it. If we forgive others then our hearts are made fit to receive forgiveness.
(God can use even a leeks man if he is surrendered.)
Love even when you don't want to. The secret of victory is obedience. Obedience is easy when you know you are being guided by a God who never makes mistakes. Obedience never says "yes, but..." Rather it always says "yes, Lord!"

Throw your sins into the deep sea. "No fishing allowed."

Forgiveness is not an emotion. It is an act of will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the Heart. ("Jesus help. I can supply the hand. You supply the feeling.")

For ten years after my release from prison I had been traveling all over the world at the direction of God. Many times I did not know why I was to go to a certain place until I arrived. it had become almost second nature not to make my plans and then ask for God's signature.rather, I had learned to wait for goods plan and then write my name on the schedule.

When one is abiding under the shadow of the almighty there will be no light, but that is only because God’s presence is so near. ("I eagerly await whatever you have planned for me.")

After this experience (repenting and having hip healed) I was filled with the holy spirit. Now, going in the power of the holy spirit to Germany God was able to work much deliverance through me as we commanded demons to be cast out in his name.

Trying to do the Lord's work in your own strength is the most confusing and exhausting and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the holy spirit. Then the ministry of Jesus flows out of you.
Now, whether I am walking in the bright light of his presence or abiding under the shadow of the almighty, I know that he is not only with me, he is in me.

We worked as a team (not to say that we didn't have difficulties --as always happens when people work close together). However, those hard moments were used to bring us closer to Jesus as we learned to walk in the light with each other.

Recognize that we are surrounded not only by angels but also by the powers of darkness. Our fight is not against a physical any, political party, an atheistic organization --or anything like that. Or fight is against organizations and powers that are spiritual. Therefore we must wear the whole armor of God.

Betsie: "let us dedicate this involuntary fast to the lord that it may become a blessing."

I would much rather be the child of a trusting father, than a beggar at the door of worldly men.

I knew I was not right with God for I was not right with man.

Life is like an embroidery. It seems knotted and tangled, but we are looking at the back side. Good has a beautiful crown waiting for us on the other side. And he can show us glimpses...

The Bible is like chocolate, not to be analyzed and picked apart...but to be eaten /enjoyed.

"Daddy, I am afraid that I will never have strength to be a martyr."
"Today you don't need the strength to be a martyr ; but as soon as you are called for the honor of facing death for Jesus, he will supply the strength you need --just in time."

I had learned that it was not me but the word of God coming through me that won people to Christ.

You are not called to convince anyone. You are simply called to be an open channel for the spirit of God to flow through. Follow the path of obedience, let the word of God do is own work, and you will be used by God far beyond your own powers.

It is the word of God that is their foundation and therefore it is essential for the convert of Christ to have a practical knowledge of the Bible.

Happiness is not dependent on the happenings but rather on the relationships in the happenings.

Theology in the hands of the holy spirit is a beautiful science. But in the hands of unbelievers it is death. If you want to find where heaven is, get out of your study classroom and go back out into the countryside.

The incident made me upset because I hadn't surrendered my self-righteousness. Self pity is a nasty sin and the devil uses it...and it always starts with "poor me...."

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