Thursday, October 1, 2020

Hebrew Origins & Original Learning: Intro- Attention Activity

 Here is a lesson plan I wrote out for those interested in really delving into original patterns of learning and the origins of ancient Hebrew


Begin by singing: “For the Beauty of the Earth” (hymn # 92) or “How Great Thou Art” (hymn #86)

Ponder: Look at a picture of "Adam and Even the Garden"

Why did God place Adam and Eve in a garden? What learning opportunities were available to them in nature? Could nature teach them symbolically?

Experience: Take your family for a walk out in nature--what do you notice? 

Use your senses: ears, eyes, nose, taste, feel.

Now feel with your heart. Open your mind and heart to revelation. Let your curious nature guide you to ask questions and explore more. What else can God be trying to teach you? Do you see patterns in nature that remind you of God’s nature and His principles?

Go Deeper: How could learning from nature connect with everyday learning--say the development of an alphabet? Is it possible that each letter of the alphabet could even have something to teach us? Let’s explore that thought...take a look at this photo:

What do you notice?
Where did the letter "A" come from?
Can you see how time literally turned it around?

Optional Further Exploration:
You can watch this video to get a better perspective into origins of Hebrew language as the original source of the English language, or use the resources section ideas/links.
"The Hebrew Origin of the English Alphabet" by Jeff Benner,

Continue learning more with part 2 of this lesson

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