A relatively new technique being implemented a lot in teaching children and in workplaces is called Brain Gym. This approach is based on the premise (that has been thoroughly researched and proven) that the brain and body connection is important, and that working on one will improve the "block" in the other.
Here are some principles of this method:
1. Draw out: intelligence is inborn
2. Focus: attention follows intention
3. Notice: we learn what we actively experience
4. Move to Learn: growth is the search for balance (move from fragmented state to integrated)
5. Interconnect: each of us is affected by every other
Teachers help the child to... (Notice, choose, participate)
1. Notice how they are learning
2. Recognize whine they have learned something
3. Identify what learning is
4. Imagine what the next learning experience will be
A few quotes:
"Ignorance is the failure to notice (and failure to notice that)."
"Knowledge is experience; everything else is just info. Learning is creating new memories."
"Play is the natural ability to interact sportingly with others and the environment, with no fear of failure or mistakes. It is a practice in kindness--no aggression or competition. It is being in touch with a world in touch with us."
"Purposeful attention is a natural, relaxed search for structure. Reactive attention is a survival-based unequilibrium."
"Renewal or transformation is to move from a fragmented to an integrated state (to bring balance of energy and creativity)."
There are three dimensions of the brain that correlate with the body:
1. Focus Dimension
This deals with front and back parts of the brain, or one's vision/attention/comprehension (ability to identify significant information from insignificant). This area deals with the question "where am I?" Focusing on this dimension helps improve full expression of self to be ready, willing and able to move. Helpful for those with dyslexia
- front lobe is related to new information or future information
- back lobe/brain stem: old information or the past
Activities: cross crawling, walking/crawling, double-hand symmetrical doodling, arm tracing infinity sign

2. Laterality Dimension
This deals with left and right hemispheres of the brain, or one's ability to communicate (understand whole and parts or symbols and their meanings). Working on this dimension includes the use of eyes, ears and movement, and improves oral and written language.
- left brain: analytic (parts to whole) details, time, sequences
- right brain: gestalt (whole to parts) intuition, synthesis, no time, metaphor
3. Centering Dimension
This deals with the upper and lower parts of the brain or the ability to organize. This area deals with the question, "where is it?" And is needed to have balance between reason/intellect and feelings/emotion so as not to feel scattered. Improving this area brings better organized though, speech and action so one can create deeper associations and connections for deeper learning.
There are four other dimensions listed, that seem good for additional info. But I love the fundamental three as the main focus.
4. Motivation Dimension (attitude)
5. Cranial Movement Dimension (rhythm)
6. Breathing Dimension (power)
7. Body Regulator Dimension (self-management)
Helpful LEarning STrategies:

For more brain 101 information click here for a simple post about the areas of the brain.

Helpful LEarning STrategies:
For more brain 101 information click here for a simple post about the areas of the brain.